What to expect in the first year of life

A quick rundown of the typical sequence of events follows, although you should remember that all children are different:

bulletJust after birth, a newborn can suck; that's called the rooting reflex.
bulletBy 2 months, an infant can move the arms and legs smoothly, hold the head at a 45-degree angle for a few minutes, and hold an object for a brief time.
bulletBy 3 months, a child can sit supported, although the head still bobs.
bulletBy 4 months, an infant can sit for 10 minutes or so and maintain good control over the head.
bulletBy 5 months, an infant can put the feet in the mouth and suck on the toes.
bulletBy 6 months, an infant can roll from the stomach to the back.
bulletBy 7 months, an infant can sit easily with a little support or alone. He or she can also bang two objects together.
bulletBy 8 months, an infant can crawl and maybe even stand with support. He or she can also attempt to pick up objects.
bulletBy 9 months, an infant can master picking up objects with the thumb and pointer finger and can crawl while grasping one toy.
bulletBy 10 months, an infant can walk if both the hands are held, or can even walk alone while holding on to the furniture. Walking alone can begin anytime between 10 and 14 months.
bulletBy 11 months, an infant can wave, climb, squat, stoop, and stand alone and may be able to grasp a spoon and bring it to the mouth.
bulletBy 12 months, an infant can walk but still prefers crawling to get around. He or she can point with the index finger and take the covers off containers.
bulletInfants usually begin to babble around the seventh month and may begin forming short words by the first birthday.


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